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Our First Prototype


Our intention with the initial prototype served to gain insight into the usability and accessibility of our app, and understand how people would best absorb challenging topics like the ones we chose to include (housing, insurance, and transportation). 


Focused on producing an initial prototype quickly, we used a general mockup template we found on Slidesgo, a slideshow template website and prototyping site called Genially to create a mockup of our in-app game component. We wanted to find out if an in-app game would be the best way to deliver the learning components of our product.

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We confirmed that a game-based learning module seemed the best approach for our app design through demonstrating the prototype to our circles (family, friends, and roommates) and receive real-time feedback on the app via a click-through demo.











For example, in our initial design, we assumed that users would need more experience handling issues like applying for housing and insurance. Despite their young age, our focus group members have already experienced these real-life topics. We addressed this issue in our next and final prototype. 


Our Second Prototype: Phase 1

We exemplified a solid commitment to creating an engaging experience for our audience. We refined the first click-through demo into an app simulation with social interactions, extensive gaming features, a lucrative reward system, and a cohesive brand standard. Under our mission, we presented the prototype in two phases during its creation to ensure the focus group’s suggestions were appropriately applied and a fresh set of eyes provided fine-tuned feedback. 

We built the app prototype through a Canva mobile template because of its free accessibility compared to other app development service websites. In addition, because our team already felt familiar with Canva, working through the site simultaneously on features gave us plenty of flexibility. 
















Using our initial prototype as the blueprint, we added a quick survey following the sign-up feature so that new users may personalize their goals. On top of that, We continued to use Genially for our tax escape room and the advanced-level board game and used Canva’s pre-determined designs for the insurance learning module. We decided the board game would be part of the advanced level feature, addressing our focus group participants' concerns about those who have already learned or lived through the processes.


Our Second Prototype: Phase 2


In the second phase of our prototype, we demonstrated the Adult.Ly app to our classmates and received positive comments on the branding, gaming design, and accessibility. Following our presentations, we found that citing the sources used to develop our learning module gives users a sense of ease in knowing the information is relevant and credible. 


For the topic of taxes, we referred to the IRS website, which features a learning toolkit with learning modules that we drew inspiration from. Drawing from personal experience with renting and often referring to our lease agreements, we were able to draft up questions for leasing an apartment. Lastly, we also referred to our own experiences and many websites of popular auto insurance companies to create questions for our advanced-level game. 


In the future, we hope to present our prototype to investors and community organizations that work with young adults going through a time of transition, whether that be college or circumstance-related events. Gaining that financial support would help our product succeed and appeal to what our focus group members recommended for engagement, as well as growing our staff. We also hope to present to our peers and friends as the app grows in numbers and continue to receive feedback in ways to grow and reach  anyone who needs this app. 


For now, we have linked our advanced-level game, although you may have yet to go through each module, many young adults already have substantial knowledge of housing, insurance, and taxes. Therefore, we challenge you to participate in our advanced-level game to test your knowledge. Although one person can only play the game at a time on a mobile device or tablet, you can play with friends through Apple’s screen-share feature through Facetime. 

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